Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Oh, hello.

This is not my first blog. If I'm careful, and less lazy, hopefully it will be my last. Not in the sense that I give up blogs forever, but in the sense that I actually stick with this one and turn it into something I don't slowly lose interest in and leave by the wayside.

I've had a career that's almost 10 years old. I have a son that's not quite one. While I still love my job, it's no longer in the top 3 list of things I care or worry most about anymore. Oh, it's still a top tenner, don't worry about that, but the cliches about having kids is true, your priorities in life change drastically once they come around.

I read a lot of "mommy blogs" when I need a break in my day. I read them for humor, I read them to know that I'm not alone in some of my struggles. But the more I read, the more I realized that I hadn't found a blog that hit the nail on the head as far as where I was in life. Either the moms were more seasoned and had older kids, or they had a much different work life situation, and in most cases a combination of the two. Not a bad thing, but not exactly my thing.

I work a traditional job, 5 days a week, 40+ hours a week. I'm lucky enough that I get to work from home 2 days a week, but that doesn't mean my kiddo is here with me. He's still in daycare, because let me tell you there is no way to get work done and take care of a 9-month-old, army crawling, curiously adorable kid. So, for all intents and purposes, I work a very traditional job. I don't have flex hours, I don't get to pick and choose my projects. I have to find a balance that I'm still so far from.

So, that's where I am. I'm going to try and keep up with updating this blog. I hope it'll be amusing, funny, and honest. I hope to share my own thoughts and stories, as well as things I think others will find amusing from around the internet and beyond. I might share a recipe now and then, if I ever get back to really cooking, and probably a DIY success or fail along the way to boot.

Welcome. Welcome moms, dads, friends, strangers. Welcome readers. Let's hope we both stick around.

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